“Are We On the Right Side of the Equation? Becoming Outcome-Focused Versus Process-Driven”
A special presentation by Dr. John Butler, National Institute of Standards and Technology Fellow & Special Assistant to the Director for Forensic Science, celebrating 20 years of forensic science education at San Jose State University. Foreword by Dr. Steven Lee, Professor Emeritus, Founder and Former Director of the Forensic Science Program at SJSU.

This presentation will focus on discussing foundational questions related to forensic science methods and practice. For example, do we understand principles behind how things work and why things are done? Do we spend sufficient time to understand important findings published in the scientific literature? Have our approaches in forensic science become too task- or process-driven compared to outcome-focused? As researchers or practitioners, do we regularly step back and critically consider our performance with those activities in which we are involved? What data demonstrate what we think we know about the performance of a particular methodology or interpretation approach? Who should have access to validation data? How might validation studies and data sharing differ if performance criteria were emphasized to understand method limitations versus simply meeting accreditation requirements? Are reports clear enough to end users? Simply put, are we on the right side of the equation?

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When: Mar 22, 2023 03:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Celebrating 20 years of the forensic science program @SJSU

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