About this Event
Thursday, May 25, 2023
12:00-12:30a.m. (PT) | Link to register.
Most people learn to ride a bike as a child, but when do they stop cycling? May is National Bike Month, and MTI is investigating the habits of older adults who cycle with the nationwide 50+ Cycling Survey. Carol Kachadoorian, an MTI Research Associate and founder of dblTilde CORE, Inc., initiated the survey in 2018, and it has since examined the cycling habits and preferences of thousands of adults ages 50 to 85-plus. Year 5 of the 50+ Cycling Survey will begin soon, and you can be a part of it. How can our growing understanding of older cyclists affect policy, programs, design, and practice? Join us to discuss health and mobility and to dig into ways this information can be used by engineers, planners, advocates, and more.
*0.5 PDH credit available
About the Panelist
Carol Kachadoorian
MTI Research Associate; Executive Director, dblTilde CORE, Inc.
Carol has a breadth of knowledge of and expertise in transportation planning and operations, working at both the city and regional levels, including school- and community-based active transportation plans and older adult mobility. She recognizes the importance of both big data and personal experience to determine feasible changes that make travel by all modes safe, accessible, and comfortable for all ages and abilities.
Carol has spoken nationally and regionally on the need to revise long-standing perceptions of older adults through words and images. She developed a typology of older adults’ physical activity levels that can help encourage mobility and wellness. The Mineta Transportation Institute published her pioneering work, Cycling past 50: A Closer Look into the World of Older Cyclists, and hosted the 50+ Cycling Survey Year 4. Results from the survey will be available in the Fall 2023.
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