Thursday, September 21, 2023 12 pm to 1 pm
About this Event
San Jose State University, 1 Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192
#weavingCome learn about Ohlone weaving with Linda Yamane! As part of ReWeaving Past and Future, please join us for a lecture with local artist and SJSU alumna Linda Yamane. Linda Yamane is a member of the Rumsen Ohlone Tribal Community and lives in her Monterey area Rumsen homeland. She was born and raised in San José, where she first began her journey to unearth many lost Ohlone traditions, including basketry, language, songs, stories and a number of ancient technologies. Over the past forty years, she has become a master basket weaver, whose baskets have been commissioned by Bay Area museums and exhibited both statewide and internationally.
The lecture location is the Art & Design Building Auditorium, Room 133. Please contact Assistant Professor Eleanor Pries at if you have questions or need any assistance.
This lecture is supported by the College of Humanities and Arts' Artistic Excellence Programming Grant (AEPG) and co-sponsored by SJSU's Native American Indigenous Student Success Center (NAISSC).
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